Monday, February 9, 2015

Assignment #4

An example of a Social Media Fail of 2014 was on Instagram. I feel like if you are going to pick up women especially those under 18, you should probably not do it on social media, especially if you are a celebrity or an influential person. In this example a celebrity tried to “hook up” with a seventeen year old girl, using Instagram and videos on Instagram, featuring him and telling her to tag him. Not the brightest move in my opinion. It was bright of the girl to continue this façade so she could report it to the police. But you probably still should not engage with strangers on the internet or social media or anywhere at all, especially if they turn out to be creepy and stalker-ish. I feel like you need to be especially careful on social media because everyone can see everything you post and say on social media sites. You need to have a good reputation everywhere but especially on social media because what is posted on social media can never be completely erased, one day it could show up again and you would be history. Make good choices on social media and how and what you say on your pages and posts, as well as your videos and pictures, do not post things you’ll regret later.

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