Monday, February 9, 2015

Assignment #5

In ten years from now I see social media as being even more prevalent that it is now. It will be bigger and we will have even more social media sites. I also think we will see more religious prevalent social media sites, positive prevalent social media sites, pornography prevalent social media sites, and even more positive and negative social media sites and websites being created. As well as more and more people joining more and more social media sites.

I definitely think facebook will still be around as well as Instagram and maybe even twitter. I think Facebook will be around more for the older generations and older adults of society. I think that Instagram will be for the younger generation adults and older teens. And I think that twitter will still be there for the celebrities and for people to follow celebrities more than friends and acquaintances.

I think that a new social media site will emerge for the upcoming generation of children for when they become pre teenagers and teenagers, it will be more geared towards what they are used to and looking for to interact with their friends and acquaintances. I also think there will be  a new celebrity social media site for them to follow new  and upcoming celebrities and influential people.

Assignment #4

An example of a Social Media Fail of 2014 was on Instagram. I feel like if you are going to pick up women especially those under 18, you should probably not do it on social media, especially if you are a celebrity or an influential person. In this example a celebrity tried to “hook up” with a seventeen year old girl, using Instagram and videos on Instagram, featuring him and telling her to tag him. Not the brightest move in my opinion. It was bright of the girl to continue this façade so she could report it to the police. But you probably still should not engage with strangers on the internet or social media or anywhere at all, especially if they turn out to be creepy and stalker-ish. I feel like you need to be especially careful on social media because everyone can see everything you post and say on social media sites. You need to have a good reputation everywhere but especially on social media because what is posted on social media can never be completely erased, one day it could show up again and you would be history. Make good choices on social media and how and what you say on your pages and posts, as well as your videos and pictures, do not post things you’ll regret later.

Assignment #3

Facebook- I feel like Facebook is influential because it has more of the customers I'm looking for. It has more the adult audience and they are more likely to buy what I am selling.

Instagram- I feel like Instagram is influential for my product because you must post a picture, and thats what my product is, pictures. I also feel like I can reach more young aged people, rather than adults.

Pinterest- I feel like Pinterest is influential for my product because you are searching for pictures that catch your eye.You can connect it to you website if they want to find more about that particular picutre, which would generate more sales.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Assignment #2

2. 7:13
3.  Funny pictures that Ellen found on Facebook posted by those in her audience, really funny, and crazy to think that people would actually post things like that and actually do them.
4. Facebook
5. How secure should you facebook profile be? Who can see your posts?
6. It should be very secure, so that not just anyone can access your personal information and pictures.

Assignment #1 Facebook

I agree with this article in lots of ways, but I few ways I agree with are the popularity of Facebook, and with the lists of friends that are sparsely connected. To go with the lists of friends there are usually family members that are connected to many of the same people in their family on Facebook, but there are those friends and/or acquaintances that we have on Facebook that we wouldn’t really talk to or see on a regular basis and you have never really been friends, but with social media you can reach them in ways you wouldn’t normally do. I think that with business a better way to go is to reach not just your friends but your friends of friends, because that can reach a whole lot more people. I agree with the popularity of Facebook piece in the article because although many teens and younger people are not using Facebook as often or at all anymore, many adults and older people have found Facebook and have started to learn how to use it. So even though not as many adolescents are on Facebook, many older people and adults have connected on Facebook making it a more adult generated site. The teens who leave Facebook are being replaced by adults and those with very few other or no other social media profiles.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015